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Simple Camping Essentials Guide

Apr 06, 2022

Simple Camping Essentials Guide

If you’ve never experienced going camping before, here is the list of essentials you need to bring with you…

Simple Camping Essentials Guide

First time camping? If you’ve never been camping before – or at least not with kids – the prospect of gearing up for the experience can be a little daunting. 

Camping with your family can be loads of fun if you plan ahead and come prepared. But you need to pack a couple more things if you are camping with kids. Here at AllHome, we made a list of exactly what to bring on your next family campout so that your camping adventure is a positive experience for everyone and one that your kids will never forget. 



This one goes without saying, but you need a place to sleep! You could technically sleep in your car, but for a totally classic camping experience, we suggest investing in a good tent. This way, you can be closer to nature, and maybe even have the chirping of crickets lull you to sleep at night.

Camping Tip: If it’s your first time with a new tent, try throwing a backyard campout so that you can practice setting it up before your big trip!


Sleeping Bags

One of our favorite parts of camping is snuggling up in a cozy sleeping bag at night! Picking the right sleeping bag can be a perfect addition to a night under the stars, so make sure to pick the right one for your type of camping trip.

Camping Tip: Ditch the bulky pillows and use your sleeping bag sack as one instead! Stuff it full of clothing and wrap it in a sweatshirt for a multi-purpose way to use your gear.


Fully Stocked First Aid Kit

Buying a pre-packed first aid kit is a good way to start with if you don’t already have one. But you can also make your own kit by getting bandages, gauze, cotton buds, antiseptic wipes, and a few other things from the drug store.

Also, make sure you bring along your favorite kid-safe sunscreen to keep sunburns away. 


You’ll also want to supplement your first aid kit with a few things:

  • Alcohol
  • Betadine
  • Over-the-counter drugs
  • Extra bandaids


Mosquito Control

Being itchy all over is no fun for anyone. Kids can become especially irritable if they’re covered in mosquito bites. You can help keep insect bites down by bring one or a combination of the following with you:

  • Use a natural mosquito repellent spray for kids
  • Wrap mosquito repellent bands around their wrists 
  • Put mosquito repellent stickers on kids
  • Keep your campsite mosquito free with a mosquito repellent coil


Extra Blankets

Extra blankets will come in handy no matter what the weather is. You’ll use them to cover tables, make a clean spot on the ground, to wrap up late at night or early in the morning, for extra padding between sleeping bag and the ground. 



Lanterns and flashlights always come in handy when the power goes out. They’re really bright when they’re fully open, but you can adjust the brightness easily by opening and closing. Lanterns are a must-have for hands-free lighting once the campfire goes out for the night. And, make sure you have some small flashlights for wandering around at night or for a game of flashlight tag.


Water Jug

One of the most essential pieces on your camping checklist is a water storage container! Not only will you use water for drinking, but for cooking, staying clean while camping, and everything in between. This is especially important if you are camping in a location that doesn’t have running water.

Pack a refillable water carrier, so you can use it over and over again as some camping sites have stations to fill up your water.


Cooler for Food and Beverage

A good cooler is an integral part of a great camping experience. Not only is it perfect for storing food and beverages, but it can double as a prep station, a temporary bench, or even a way to hold your things when you leave the campsite.


Camp Food and Extra Snacks

A little pre-planning will set you up well for delicious camp food that the kids will love.

Avoid hangry tantrums by making sure you have plenty of healthy snacks that are easy to get to. The less you have to cook the better, so it’s best to prepare a variety of snack containers ahead of time.



Sometimes, the sleeping bags just aren’t the right place to sleep in, especially in the afternoon. So bring a hammock or two to lounge and sleep in. But make sure to bring the type of hammocks that are comfortable, easy to set up, lightweight, and don’t take up much space when packed away. 


Camping with your family can definitely be lots of fun and stress-free if you come prepared. Having some fun things to do and plenty of food to eat keeps everyone happy while you’re away from the comforts of home. Make sure you think about what your entourage enjoys when deciding what to bring camping with your friends and family, and find ways to incorporate those things into your camping trip.


To shop for these camping essentials, visit AllHome for its wide selection of home homeware, kitchenware, appliances, and more. You may also visit AllHome’s website, https://www.allhome.com.ph, or follow AllHome’s official Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/allhomeofficial  


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